Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Another Thing I Want To Be Able To Do

I want to play this song like this.


anotherblogonthefire said...

This one comes right after learning "Smoke on the Water"...

You can catch these guys (Bela Fleck & the Flecktones) live on the Blue Plate Special at WDVX.com on Monday Sept. 24th at noon, if you want to check them out.

onfire said...

my in-laws have this video and make us watch it almost every time we go over there.

we have the chords, too, just in case Neal ever gets up the nerve to show off.

and thanks for the last couple of comments on my posts, by the way.

I have really needed the encouragement ... especially from a Pastor.

we think we have found a church to go to, but it will take time to test it out. Too many hurts to just dive in without thinking.