Tuesday, August 8, 2006

Notes From Communicating What You Believe

I really appreciate the time taken by the men to discuss this matter here.  I feel the need to bare some weakness in the hopes of becoming a better father, and the input given has been very helpful. 

Steve Walden took the time to follow up twice on my original post. Here is the Second Article.

I really don't have much of a response to this article other than to totaly agree wth it.  I have been praying about this very thing:  Being a Pharisee, being a dog trainer, or being a father and a pastor.

Being a Pharisee.  I think that is a trap many of us fall into.  It is easy to 

compromise for ourselves.  It is interesting what Jesus says about them in Matthew 23:3.  He basically says do what they tell you.  They have good teaching.  Then He goes a little further and points out what Steve did in his point #1. 

Being a dog trainer.  This is where I am at my weakest in the home. It is easy to "ark out" the rule.  Wait, that would make you the dog, wouldn't it?  Anyway, it is easy to throw the rule out to the child.  It is harder to teach the child to follow the rule.  It is hardest to teach the child the rule, the importance of it, and the Father behind it.  I teach my family the father, but am weakest in this area.  Again, I am puting together a plan based on the advice of the men who have taken their time to share.

Finally, being a father and a pastor.  I am both.  I was always both.  I am going to always be both.  I just think I missed the connection here.  I have been a father in the home, and a pastor to my youth ministry.  I need to walk in both simultaneously.  Funny, with my 8Mile youth I can father and pastor.  I need to work on this in the home.  I think this is a problem for many men.  Work is something men can create an identity and be different in.  Home is where you go when you are tired and can't walk in the identity anymore.  I just need to slow down and relax on the work end, and be who I am.

1 comment:

Christina31 said...

Hi Uncle Rob.. just wanted to let you know I am a member of the Blog family...Your blogs are like NOVELS!! (that is a compliment)..

well bye Christina